I repeated it again and again. "This healing journey is a rollercoaster" . Rollercoaster, rollercoaster, rollercoaster. All my chakras just wanted peace, ease and calmness. They screamed for light, activation and balance.
I stopped, I need a break, because dark clouds covered the sky in my inner colorful paradise. Black birds were flying inside in my womb when I dove into my second chakra. Where are these sweet little green birds? Where is my feminine light? Why do I feel nothing?
One morning I woke up and realized how much power I gave to this one word, that identifies my life as a
ROLLERCOASTER. How can I get out of this hormonal chaos if I tell my system every day it is a journey of up and downs. I decided to deeply listen to my heart and said goodbye to three words. I choose to eliminate rollercoaster, drama and fatigue. I was so tired of dark clouds and black birds inside in my sweet energy body. I tried so many things to balance my hormones, to get out of depressions and mental overwhelm. Yes, to the outer world I presented the bright light, but inside I was caught in a post traumatic stress disorder and all it`s symptoms. My hormones were a mess.
I could not sleep, I could not eat without getting inflamed, I could not focus on the light within, and I decided to step out of it. I decided to dream, to create, I decided to show up and practice. Feeling all feelings inside in my womb, liver and heart was for me important plus nourishing my chakras with love. So, I went through all chakras, I activated them by self hypnosis, breathwork, shaked them and chanted into them with love.
I asked each chakra all the important yet painful questions, plus I wrote my future vision for each chakra. It was the most powerful time for me. A time of truth, honesty and awakening. An awakening to bliss and happy hormones.
All my glands in each chakra felt a surprisingly powerful activation. As if they were breathing in fresh jungle air after a rainy night. I felt back to myself. I could sleep again, I started eating again and I dreamed big.
I painted my inner chaos to face it. I realized that morning that all I desire is a soft and gentle healing journey. Since ever than I started to teach, embrace and share chakra healing and combine it with self hypnosis. So often I thought I changed things, knew what to do, but nothing happened inside in me, my energy body was still holding on to it. My subconscious mind and nervous system stored other deep blocks, grief and frustrations I could not change by words or action steps. I am grateful that I have the tools to release them in such a soft gentle way.
I accepted my mystic power of seeing these pictures inside in me and in others to help them find their hormonal balance. A balance in life that brings you into a healthy rhythm. A rhythm that empowers to be a beautiful goddess.
Are you still carrying dark clouds and black birds in your little paradise?
Are you still committed to a rollercoaster?
A journey from black birds to green sweet playful birds showed my how easy it is to align my chakras, balance my hormones, listen to my womb and say finally goodbye to rollercoaster. I never ever repeated this word and it helped me to open up to a beyond beautiful healing journey.
Trust your healing power.
Awake the woman you are meant to be.
Tina Tara